Paese France bandiera della Francia
Designazione Ente Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects
Sito web
Status Customs Agency
Inquadramento istituzionale Sotto il Ministero dei Conti Pubblici
Mandato Mission de lutte contre la fraude et les grands trafics internationaux
Mission économique: sur la base des règles fixées pour le commerce international, elle contrôle les flux commerciaux avec 3 objectifs : la fluidité ; la sécurité ; la qualité, grâce à des procédures adaptées aux besoins des entreprises.
Mission fiscale: elle perçoit chaque année environ 13 % des recettes de l'État et contribue, comme ses homologues européens, au financement du budget communautaire
Autonomia finanziaria No
Grado di Autonomia finanziaria It receives around 13% of state revenue each year and, like its European counterparts, contributes to the financing of the Community budget.
Fiscalità diretta No
Funzioni di polizia tributaria Yes
Funzioni di polizia tributaria (dettagli) The Directorate-General is in charge of detecting and tackling fraud, illegal trafficking drugs, counterfeits products and swindling with cigarettes and tobacco. French Customs has the legal powers to fight against organised crime, alongside the Police and Gendarmerie. Within the framework of international organised crime, French Customs continues to intensify its fruitful collaboration with Europol.
It is worth mentioning the Service national de douane judiciaire, a judicial investigative service, whose customs officers have the status of judicial police officers, headed by a magistrate. Unlike other customs officers, they don't gain their powers from the Code des Douanes National, but directly from the Code de Procédure Pénale.
Corpo civile Yes
Corpo militare (Ministero della Difesa) No
Divise Yes
Armi Yes
Unità cinofile Yes
Vetture con lampeggianti Yes
Accise Energia/alcooli Yes
Accise Tabacchi Yes
Giochi No
Giochi (autorita' competente) Autorité Nationale des Jeux (replacing the ARJEL)
Laboratori (anche non in-house) Yes
Laboratori (dettagli) Service Commun des Laboratoires
Attaché doganali extra UE Yes
Customs Attaché (note) 18 Customs attaches:
Autorità competente ai sensi Regolamento Europol Yes
Customs liaison officer presso Europol Yes